Boston Red Sox owner buys land near future stadium

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  • | 4:34 p.m. May 14, 2010
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  • Charlotte–Lee–Collier
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BUYER: NESV Florida Real Estate LLC, Boston

SELLER: Waterman-Pinnacle

PROPERTY: a portion of land on Daniels Parkway, Fort Myers

PRICE: $5.5 million

LAW FIRM ON DEED: Henderson Franklin Starnes & Holt PA, Fort Myers

PLANS, DESCRIPTION: The owner of the Boston Red Sox and Fenway Park purchased 20 acres on Daniels Parkway for $5.5 million.

The price equated to $275,000 per acre. The site is near the land where the team plans to build a spring training stadium.

“It will likely be empty land for the first few years of the stadium,” says Lee County Sports Authority Executive Director Jeff Mielke.

“It's zoned for an entertainment mixed-use project,” he said. “Maybe a hotel with restaurants or something like that. But it's way off from being finalized.”

The acquisition, officially made by Boston-based New England Sports Ventures LLC, was timed to coincide with Lee County's purchase of the 125-acre stadium site for $20 million.


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