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Searching for the Right Commercial Space? Start Online…

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  • | 12:45 a.m. March 31, 2022
  • Commercial Real Estate
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We’re already well into 2022 and if the term “proptech” still hasn’t yet entered your lexicon, it’s time that it did. Property + Technology is the new combination that’s driving untold innovation in the commercial real estate market. And the data and statistics are beginning to reveal its impact on the search for the perfect space.

Did you know that nearly 90% of all commercial tenants search for space online? Regardless of the category--industrial, retail, traditional office or coworking space, tenants are quickly adapting to the convenience of a Zillow-like equivalent in the commercial marketplace. As in almost all other industries, customers want a streamlined experience, where magic can instantly happen with a few clicks of the mouse. Now, companies such as TenantBase are playing an integral part in improving the experience for the modern tenant.

TenantBase is the developer of a tech enabled online marketplace. Their digital platform uses online and app-driven technology to aggregate both the supply and demand side of commercial real estate’s information in one convenient place. Available space. Property owner listings. And broker connectivity. All combined, it gives the end user the tools to enter precise search parameters to find the perfect fit. And once that perfect fit has been located, you can access another benefit without going offline--the ability to be connected right away with a locally based brokerage firm to handle any transactional needs.

It’s no secret that the commercial real estate industry has lagged far behind other sectors who long ago adapted to on-demand business models. We used to call Yellow Cabs until Uber arrived on the scene. We used to pick up our own food deliveries until DoorDash became a thing.

And we used to get in our vehicles and drive around looking for commercial real estate billboards, just so we could jot down a name and a number to contact later.

The legacy ways of searching and signing a commercial lease used to be a six to 12-month process, but the seamless functionality of TenantBase’s online marketplace has reduced that time frame to as little as 45-60 days.

Florida is booming--with an estimated thousand new residents per day pouring into the state. Things are about to get a whole lot more competitive. And as a new commercial tenant looking to find suitable space for your employees, you need a solution that will give you an edge. You may not have expected convenience to be at the top of the list when describing your future commercial search. But it’s all available to you. You just have to embrace it. Get started today and see what’s possible at


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