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Restaurant chain unveils new concept with games, face tracking and robots

Caliburger 2.0 scheduled to open in University Village Shops in Fort Myers sometime this month.

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  • | 6:00 a.m. October 11, 2019
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Fort Myers is poised to lead the way in one area of the robot revolution — and forthcoming automated economy — and will do it with a side of fries. 

It starts with Flippy, a burger-making robot from fast-food chain CaliBurger. The chain debuted Flippy last year to great fanfare — and some chagrin from old-school burger afficiandos — and then got even more attention when Flippy had to be temporarily taken offline because it made burgers too fast for its human colleagues. Not only will Flippy will be coming to a CaliBurger location in Fort Myers, but there will be a second Flippy, who, according to a statement, will "produce crispy french fries on the fry station" while his cousin "cooks burgers to perfection on the grill."


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