Cast a line: Platform amplifies niche topics

Podcasts are booming — and local businesspeople are getting in on the act.

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  • | 6:00 a.m. November 15, 2019
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David Sobelman, founder and CEO of 3 Properties, records an episode of "Net Lease Nerdcast" at his office in Tampa. Courtesy photo.
David Sobelman, founder and CEO of 3 Properties, records an episode of "Net Lease Nerdcast" at his office in Tampa. Courtesy photo.
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Do you have your own podcast yet? No? Well, what’s stopping you?

Business people — and everyone else, it seems — are podcasting. The medium has exploded in popularity over the past few years, with more than 100 million Americans listening to at least one podcast per week. Podcast fans have more than 700,000 — covering nearly any topic you can think of — from which to choose.

And compared to many other forms of mass media, podcasts are cheap to produce and can be enjoyed by busy, on-the-go people who struggle to find time to read or watch TV.

At the University of Tampa, business professor Rebecca White launched a podcast, called “En Factor,” on Nov. 1. White, the director of the Lowth Entrepreneurship Center at UT’s Sykes College of Business, will also host the podcast, which she says, via a news release, will feature conversations with local, national and international entrepreneurs “who have struggled, stumbled and succeeded.” One of her first guests will be Kevin Harrington, one of the original “sharks” on the hit TV show “Shark Tank.”

David Sobelman, the founder and CEO of 3 Properties, a Tampa real estate brokerage firm, is another local "podhead." In May, he launched “Net Lease Nerdcast,” a podcast that focuses on topics related to the arcane world of triple net leases and net lease property investing.

“We are gigantic net lease nerds, and we’re really proud of that, but we needed to have a voice,” Sobelman tells Coffee Talk. “This allows us to be ourselves and talk about the nuances of our niche industry.”

Sobelman has written several books about the benefits of net leases and net lease investing but says that overall, there isn’t much content available about the topic that he’s so passionate about. “There's a lot of basic information available, but there isn't a lot of detailed information available,” he says.

“Net Lease Nerdcast” is recorded at the 3 Properties office using basic equipment, essentially just a couple of microphones and a computer. Sobelman says each episode takes about four to five hours to produce, from start to finish.

Both listening to and making podcasts, Sobelman adds, “gets me into the mindset of learning and improving myself and applying what I learn to my business and personal life.”


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