- September 13, 2024
As the new year begins, many company leaders reflect on the past year, remembering both the triumphs and missteps of their organization and perhaps others that made headlines (think #MeToo). In 2019, businesses are resolving to improve and are focusing on employment practices.
If your business has not already set its business resolutions for the new year, we recommend taking some time to consider the areas listed below where your company may want to focus this year.
Many of these issues have been or will soon be addressed in our “Business Resolutions” series on The Williams Parker Labor and Employment Blog. Visit williamsparker.com/LEblog to read more and subscribe.
Jennifer Fowler-Hermes is a board certified expert in labor and employment law. She is also a Florida Supreme Court certified circuit mediator. She represents private, public, for-profit, and not-for-profit employers in a variety of industries, such as healthcare, e d u c a t io n , m a n u fa c t u r i ng , construction, performing arts, and hospitality. Jennifer not only represents both large and small employers in litigation matters, but she also assists employers in managing risks to avoid litigation. Jennifer is a frequent lecturer and author on labor and employment law topics. She can be reached at jfowler-hermes@ williamsparker.com or (941) 552-2558.
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