- September 11, 2024
This is consistent with a recent ICSC study that reviewed millennial spending patterns and future expectations. Millennials are loosely defined as being born between 1980 and 2000 and their preferences consist of health consciousness, concern for the common good, yearning for individuality, flexibility and experiences. These preferences are starting to appear in economic reports, specifically consumer expenditure reports.
These findings are important because they confirm that millennials’ spending is driven more by experiences (leisure, recreation, dining) and health rather than material items. This presents an opportunity for businesses geared towards experience and health, which is why we are seeing an increase in healthy, fast-casual restaurants, organic grocers and fitness clubs. As millennials progress into their prime spending years, businesses are shifting to accommodate millennials’ preferences. Developers are seeking health focused and experiential tenants to align their projects in order to capture the new spending trends.