Angel Gonzalez, 30

Tampa Bay Market President, CenterState Bank

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  • | 2:10 p.m. October 13, 2017
  • Class of 2017
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Angel Gonzalez’s favorite phrase is Ronald Reagan’s, “There is no limit to what a man can do or where he could go if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit.” He likes it so much he wedged a plaque with the phrase right below his computer monitor at work.

Gonzalez was first introduced to CenterState Bank while laying floors and installing trim to make extra money during college. One of the homes he worked on belonged to the bank’s CEO and CFO. When he found out they were in banking, he decided to give them his resume. He wound up in an internship, which eventually led to a job straight out of school in the company’s management training program.

Gonzalez worked his way up to commercial lender. In his second year, he was the No. 2 lender for the bank, making it to No. 1 his third year. He doesn’t take credit for his success. Instead, he credits Dale Dreyer, the bank’s West Florida regional president, for mentoring him.

After working his way up to vice president of commercial banking, he was tapped to serve as community president for Marion, Putnam and Alachua counties. In just a year and a half, Gonzalez led the bank to hit its goals for the region. The executive team said, “Thanks for fixing Ocala, but we have a neat metro market, if you want to move your family again,” Gonzalez says. So now the 30-year-old is working as Tampa Bay market president.

Gonzalez’s new goal is to make Tampa Bay a $1 billion market for the bank through acquisitions and organic growth. The company recently completed acquisitions of Harbor Community Bank and Sunshine Bank. When does he hope to achieve his goal? “Yesterday,” he says. “Always aim high.”

— Traci Beach

Survey says

Name: Angel Gonzalez

Age: 30

City of residence: Tampa

Twitter handle: @akagonzalez1

Employer: CenterState Bank

Title: Tampa Bay Market President

Birthplace: Oahu, Hawaii

Years on the Gulf Coast: On and off for 18 years

Marital status/children: Married with two children

Alma mater/degree: Southeastern University/B.S. Finance

Best place to network: Golf course

Messy desk or clean workspace: Clean workspace

Eat lunch out or at your desk: Out

Best business lesson ever learned: “There is no limit to what a man can do or where he could go if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit.” – Pres. Reagan.

Weirdest job you’ve ever had: Photoshoot for Publix safety brochure

A website that makes your job easier: – and no that’s not for Saturday Night Live which can also be very useful!

App you use the most: Any Do

One thing you do everyday: Wake up

Community group you’re most involved with: YMCA

Favorite off-hours activity: Golf

Two people, dead or alive, you’d like to have dinner with: Michael Jordan and Jesus Christ

What you would be doing if you could pick another career: Structural engineer

Top item on your bucket list: Skiing

Your happy place is: Home

Your biggest fear: Heights

Favorite Ted Talk: Simon Sinek – Start with why

Skill you’d like to learn: Tennis

Who would play you in a movie about your life: Jonathan Goldsmith (Dos Equis guy)

Describe yourself in three words: Faith, compassionate and analytical


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